
131 East Philadelphia Avenue, Boyertown PA 19512

Your problem isn't the same as everyone else's, so why would you pay a flat fee?

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Danny's Custom Computer Service has the lowest prices around for computer repair because we've been doing this for 23 years.  Our experience and access to technology resources allows us to complete your repair quickly and knowledgeably. We are trained professionals and perform our repairs as such, every time.

We pride ourselves on quality work for a good price

Call: 484-948-7498

Make an appointment now!

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FREE estimates

Bring you computer, laptop, or device to us for a free diagnosis.  No cost or risk involved for finding out the price for repairs!

We keep it simple

Once your device is repaired and tested, we'll give you a call or text to pick it up - good as new! You'll find the process is simple.

We don't just fix PCs, we can also help you with Apple products like MacBooks, iMacs, iPads, and more. Let us know what kind of machine you have, and we will help!

Trust us with any computer

Not only do we repair computers, we also recycle old computers and other electronics. When you have an electronic device you're no longer using, don't throw it away. Bring it to us and we'll dispose of it securely and in an environmentally safe way.

Bring in your old devices

The lowest prices anywhere for home and business service

We don't have a set list of prices, and that's for good reason. We find that every person's problem is unique, so it would be unfair to charge every customer one flat fee. The price we give you will be solely based on the repairs that need to be made. It will include all labor and parts fees.

Prices based on what repairs you need
